The insertion of the shot peening/sandblasting processes in the complex technological cycles requires a lot of control over multiple parameters in order to insure repetitive and uniform results of treatment.
The shot peening /sandblasting treatments are particularly critical because the shattering of the grits and an ambience with a high wear rate make it difficult to obtain constant results. It is important to control the peening process to insure the constant and reliable results, since there is no other way to control the quality of treatment but damaging a part of the work piece. Next elements are to be controlled:
The mechanical and geometrical characteristics of the grits
The absolute specific weight
The absolute specific weight is necessary to distinguish the porous grits from the compact ones mesuring the absolute specific weight of the grits material
Apparent specific weight
The apparent specific weight is necessary to indentify the hollowness defects and the form of various grits of the same type and granulomentry
Chemical analisys
The chemical analisys is necessary to indentify the chemical composition of the grit
Hardness influences the level of penetration, the resistance to wear, the grade of abrasiveness and the resistance to shatter
Roundness (control during the process)
During the application of shot peening it is important that all the grits have spherical form otherwise they would damage the treated surface creating break risks. The separation process is performed by spiral saparators.
Granulomentry(control during the process)
Granulomentry is used to distinguish the size and distribution of the grits. In some applications like shot peening and controlled roughness it is necessary to perform a continious control of the grits with such means as mechanical sieving via motorized vibrating screens in order to separate shattered grits..